Easing life in evacuation shelters with highly efficient deodorizing toilets

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Hanna Ltd.   Hanna emphasizes a natural approach in the development and sale of chemical-free, herb- and plant-based skin care products. We also sell bacteria and are engaged in the development of related products for aquarists. However, as COVID-19 spread and limited our activities, we began to question the impact of our contribution to society, and turned our focus to developing products with deep roots in the community that would be useful in people’s everyday lives.
  We have placed special focus on odor control in our emergency toilets for disaster use. Using a combination of BOS odor-proof bags that prevent odors from leaking and are used for the disposal of stoma bags (collection bags for the removal of bodily waste), our original deodorizing bags for excrement and antibacterial deodorizing coagulant prevent odors from escaping. We have used components required to control odors in developing this product, applying the knowledge of herbs and bacteria we have acquired over the years creating cosmetics. Buckets used as toilet seats are cylindrical, strong and comfortable with cushioned mats. Products that are older than their quality assurance period (10 years) can be sent back to our company and replaced, with older toilet kits donated to those requiring immediate assistance.
  Going forward, we intend to continue to support society, not only through the development of products, but by building a cycle that enables these products to be used effectively.

Tomoyoshi Nakayama, Satoko Nakayama, Hanna Ltd.