Home > List of products > Dandan (Cardboard) Room Partition II & Bed II

Dandan (Cardboard) Room Partition II & Bed II
Also recommended for

Volunteer DRR organization

DRR Planning


Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products29 高知防産第 4 号(pertitions)
29 高知防産第 5 号(chairs,tables,beds)
元 高知防産第 1 号(benches)
Secure space with simple assembly, Protect your peace of mind after disaster
Privacy at evacuation sites, Living on the floor when going to and getting up from bed is inconvenient, Storing daily necessities



Daily living

Adopted/Purchased by

In municipal governments, welfare facilities, and private companies nationwide

Further information can be accessed through this QR code.

  • Partitions can be freely combined to block the line of sight from others and protect privacy
  • Both the packaging and products are dehumidified (with water-repellent liner, and varnish for chairs)
  • Chairs with storage can be rearranged into a bed (load capacity of 3t)

● Partition II (Dimensions of assembled partition): 103cm H or 140cm H×114cm W
1 box (10 sets): 116cm W×83cm H×17cm D / Weight: About 18kg
●Bed II (each chair): 65cm L×45cm W×40cm H
1 box (6 chairs): 96cm W×70cm H×37cm D / Weight: About 22kg

Price: Contact us
Trademark registration and patent pending

Takenaka Danbol Co.,Ltd.

Address 〒781-5310 Akaokacho 1951-1, Konan City, Kochi
Phone number/Fax number

Email address takenaka-akaoka@helen.ocn.ne.jp
Homepage URL http://takenaka-db.com/