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"ALL SLOW FOOD"—Dried Fruit and Vegetable Mixes
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DRR Planning



Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products
Additive-free dried foods with concentrated flavors and nutrients made with a low-temperature drying method—they taste delicious and can be eaten any time!
Try these products if, at the time of a natural disaster, you want to eat food that is as delicious and nutritious as the food you taste in your normal daily life.



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  • Mixes of fresh, Kochi-grown fruits and veggies that are neatly and carefully dried as they are at low temperatures
  • No need to be washed or cut—time-saving food that can be eaten hygienically
  • None of the "Specific Allergenic Ingredients" (7 major and 21 minor allergenic items) specified by the Japanese government are used in any of the products in this series.
  • The products allow you to consume nutrients, such as fiber and vitamins, that people tend to be deficient in at the time of a disaster.
  • Can be eaten immediately as they are since no food coating is used

● Kochi Dried Vegetable Mix: (1) 25 g (2) 45 g
Bottle size: (Both) ø = 65 mm, (1) Height = 100 mm (2) Height = 175 mm
Calories: 373 kcal/100 g
Reference price: (1) 500 yen (2) 800 yen

● Kochi Dried Fruit Mix: (3) 25 g (4) 30 g (5) 60 g
Bottle size: (All) ø = 65 mm, (3) Height = 100 mm (4) Height = 120 mm (5) Height = 175 mm
Calories: 358.3 kcal/100 g
Reference price: (3) 500 yen (4) 600 yen (5) 1000 yen

Slick Inc.

Address 〒783-0044 784-3 Yahata, Okou-cho, Nankoku City, Kochi
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Email address office@slick-inc.jp
Homepage URL http://www.slick-inc.jp