Home > List of products > “Easy Roof Truss” Temporary Roof to Accommodate All Weather Conditions

“Easy Roof Truss” Temporary Roof to Accommodate All Weather Conditions
Also recommended for

Volunteer DRR organization

Civil Engineering

Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products24 高知防産第 8 号
Secure space regardless of the weather by easy transport and assembly
Preparing for rain and strong sunlight outdoors after disaster Enabling quick installation of evacuation sites


Civil engineering/Construction

Adopted/Purchased by

The Josai Park temporary movie theater

Further information can be accessed through this QR code.

  • Costs can be reduced because it uses the present scaffolding except for the truss parts
  • Achieves airtightness with sheets and iron plates. Ensuring space not possible with just tents
  • Truss itself can be divided for easy transportation. Special knowledge is not required for assembly, allowing quick installation

●Type A (2 segments) Specifications: Total width 11m,
Effective width 9.1m
Depth 1.8m × required span
Effective internal height 1.725m × required tier
●Type B (3 segments) Specifications: Total width 16.9m,
Effective width 14.6m
Depth 1.8m × required span
Effective internal height 1.725m × required tier
●Type C (4 segments) Specifications: Total width
22.35m, Effective width 20.0m
Depth 1.8m × required span
Effective internal height 1.725m × required tier
Price: Contact us, separate estimate
*Accessories are sold separately.

Kansai Kasetsu Company Inc.

Address 〒781-1152 Mochiishi 655-7, Tosa City, Kochi
Phone number/Fax number

Email address kochi@kansai-kasetsu.com
Homepage URL https://www.kansai-kasetsu.com