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Super Guide Pile Method
Also recommended for

Civil Engineering

Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products26 高知防産第 4 号
Taking precautionary measures before a massive earthquake strikes by strengthening levees at riversides and in coastal areas
Taking levee measures against large earthquakes along rivers and coasts


Civil engineering/Construction

Also recommended for

Civil Engineering

Adopted/Purchased by

A total of 16 cases across Kochi, Ehime, and Tokushima Prefectures

Further information can be accessed through this QR code.

  • Construction method using one ultra-high frequency variable hydraulic vibratory hammer that meets the Ministry of the Environment standards
  • Places specially processed guide piles, removes them, and then drives main piles in place, which is superior to other construction methods in terms of speed and cost

Price: Contact us, separate consultation (depends on ground conditions)

Kochi Marutaka Co., Ltd.

Address 〒781-0014 Azono Minamimachi 12-31, Kochi City, Kochi
Phone number/Fax number

Email address marutaka@ceres.ocn.ne.jp
Homepage URL http://www.ko-marutaka.co.jp