Home > List of products > Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems "Sea Aqua" "Sea Aqua Hybrid"

Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems "Sea Aqua" "Sea Aqua Hybrid"
Also recommended for

Volunteer DRR organization

DRR Planning


Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products24 高知防産第 3 号 (Sea Aqua)
25 高知防産第 2 号 (Sea Aqua Hybrid)
Secure safe drinking water from seawater
Making up for drinking water shortages at the seaside after disaster



Adopted/Purchased by

Sea Aqua: In JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Tokyo Fire Department, and the Republic of Philippines, Sea Aqua Hybrid: In Kuroshio Town, Joto Hospital, and Bangladesh

Further information can be accessed through this QR code.

  • Secures safe drinking water using seawater as raw water during emergencies (clears the 50-point safety standard test based on the Water Supply Law)
  • Sea Aqua operates on a household power supply (100V AC) or a general power generator
  • Sea Aqua Hybrid operates manually without power

●Sea Aqua
Size: 750mm W×550mm H×500mm D
Filtration capacity: 120L/hr (raw water = seawater)
●Sea Aqua Hybrid
Size: 300mm W×720mm H×500mm D
Filtration capacity: 48L/hr (raw water = seawater)
Open price

Aqua Design System Co., Ltd.

Address 〒781-0241 Yokohama Shinmachi 5-2409, Kochi City, Kochi
Phone number/Fax number

Email address info@aqua-d-system.jp
Homepage URL http://www.aqua-d-system.jp