Home > List of products > Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems “Self-propelled Sea Aqua” “Self-propelled Sea Aqua Diesel”

Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems “Self-propelled Sea Aqua” “Self-propelled Sea Aqua Diesel”
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Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products25 高知防産第 2 号 (Self-propelled Sea Aqua)
26 高知防産第 12 号 (Self-propelled Sea Aqua Diesel)
Water filtration system that can move to the water source
A water filtration system that can be easily moved after disaster because a water source is not nearby



Adopted/Purchased by

Self-propelled Sea Aqua: Kochi Prefecture Self-propelled Sea Aqua Diesel: Shimanto City and the Republic of Philippines

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  • Sea water, brackish, and fresh water can be used as raw water to turn into drinking water that meets the standards of the Water Supply Law
  • Provides drinking water for up to 8,640 people a day with a gasoline engine or three-phase 200V power
  • Self-propelled Sea Aqua Diesel runs on a diesel engine (diesel or kerosene)
  • Both types are self-propelled and run on caterpillar and can filter water regardless of the source

●Self-propelled Sea Aqua
Size: 1,880mm W×1,160mm H×650mm D
Filtration capacity: 480L/hr (raw water = seawater)

●Self-propelled Sea Aqua Diesel
Size: 1,900mm W×1,470mm H×740mm D
Filtration capacity: 600L/hr (raw water = seawater)
Open price

Aqua Design System Co., Ltd.

Address 〒781-0241 Yokohama Shinmachi 5-2409, Kochi City, Kochi
Phone number/Fax number

Email address info@aqua-d-system.jp
Homepage URL http://www.aqua-d-system.jp