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Multi-point Type Inclinometer
Also recommended for

Civil Engineering

Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products27 高知防産第 11 号
Ground inclinometer with power-saving wireless sensor network
Viewing deformation above and around collapsed areas when a slope disaster occurs, Confirming that deformations are unnecessary due to countermeasure construction



Also recommended for

Civil Engineering

Adopted/Purchased by

In government agencies and construction consultants nationwide

Further information can be accessed through this QR code.

  • Ground inclinometer using a MEMS sensor
  • Observe up to 20 sensors with a single logger using an ad-hoc wireless network that is resistant to obstruction
  • Operates for long periods with commercially available lithium batteries, and reduces battery replacement with a compact solar connection
  • English version is available

Frequency channels:
10 channels (select from 923.9MHz to 927.5MHz)
Measures: X-axis / Y-axis inclination angle
Measurement range: ±30 degrees
Price: Contact us

OSASI Technos Inc.

Address 〒780-0945 65-3 Hongucho, Kochi City, Kochi
Phone number/Fax number

Email address info@osasi.co.jp
Homepage URL https://www.osasi.co.jp