Home > List of products > Emergency Evacuation Guide Light "Sky HV Street Light"
Emergency Evacuation Guide Light "Sky HV Street Light" Also recommended forVolunteer DRR organization
Civil Engineering
DRR Planning
Volunteer DRR organization
Civil Engineering
DRR Planning

5 in Kleingarten Shimanto, 3 in Shimanto Okitsu, 1 in Seto Solar Power Plant, 14 in Tosa Town
Further information can be accessed through this QR code.
- Wind and solar hybrid guide light that illuminates evacuation routes in the event of a disaster
- With a high-performance battery, it is able to keep LED lighting on for a week without charging
- Optional 100V and USB power supply
Total height: 6m
Wind turbine: 1.2m long blades
Power generator: Rated output 200W
Solar panel: Polycrystaline solar cell module
Reference price: 1,925,000 yen
Sky Denshi Co., Ltd.
Address | 〒786-0027 Shimantocho Higashi Onaro 1380-56, Takaoka District, Kochi |
Phone number/Fax number | 0880-22-3993 / 0880-22-2332 |
Email address | info@sky-denshi.co.jp |
Homepage URL | https://sky3993.jimdofree.com/ |