Home > List of products > BOSAI QuickNavi: Information card with link to online resources in case of disaster

BOSAI QuickNavi: Information card with link to online resources in case of disaster
Also recommended for

DRR Planning

Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products28 高知防産第 12 号
Web app type disaster relative information notice with easy access
Those who can’t afford expensive app development costs, Easily changing or modifying content



Also recommended for

DRR Planning

Adopted/Purchased by

Further information can be accessed through this QR code.

  • Start operation immediately using existing disaster risk reduction information!
  • High rate of usage in terms of emergencies because it is used in daily life
  • Uses web apps available on the Internet, eliminating the need for app development costs
  • Portable information card and web app

The card is a business card size (55mm×91mm) and can be placed in wallets
Supports iPhone / Android

Reference price: Initial setup price 500,000 yen (first time only)
Usage fee from 50,000 yen (monthly)

HotKochi Inc.

Address 〒781-0081 10-15 Kitakawazoe, Kochi City, Kochi
Phone number/Fax number

Email address hisashi.fujita0420@gmail.com
Homepage URL https://hotkochi.co.jp