Home > List of products > Nonaldrain

Also recommended for

Civil Engineering

Certification Number for Disaster Prevention Related Products
Prefabricated vertical drains made from plant-derived, biodegradable materials
Wanting to prevent soil subsidence and water-related disasters caused by soil subsidence Wanting to minimize the adverse environmental impact of a vertical drainage system as much as possible Expecting some underground construction work to be conducted at a site in the future


Also recommended for

Civil Engineering

Adopted/Purchased by

Fukuoka Prefectural Govt., Okinawa Prefectural Govt., Okayama Prefectural Govt., Chubu Regional Development Bureau, Kesennuma City Govt., Miyazaki City Govt., Toride City Govt., etc.

Further information can be accessed through this QR code.

  • These are drains (specially made plastic strips) employed in prefabricated vertical drain methods, which are used to improve soft ground.
  • Only biodegradable materials are used for these drains—they will be decomposed into water and carbon dioxide once the soil improvement process is completed.

Raw materials used: biodegradable materials, plant-derived materials
In-plane permeability coefficient: 1 x 10⁻² (m/sec) or greater

Reference price: 120 yen/m


Address Kochi Head Office: 1-6-3 Otesuji, Kochi City, Kochi 780-0842
Tokyo Office: 6F No.2 TY Bldg., 2-14-8 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023
Phone number/Fax number
高知本社:088-822-1181 東京営業所:03-5418-4133
高知本社:088-824-5729 東京営業所:03-5418-4134

Email address sangyo@c-miltec.co.jp
Homepage URL http://www.c-miltec.co.jp